Pajek - Export Options

Vladimir Batagelj and Andrej Mrvar

University of Ljubljana

Parameters in EPS, SVG and VRML Defaults Window

Window is divided into 5 frames, two on the left and three on the right. Note that settings you made in this window are overwritten if the parameters are specified in Pajek input (NET) file.

Top frame on the left - EPS/SVG Vertex Default

This frame defines default drawing of vertices when we export layouts to EPS and SVG:
  • Interior Color - interior color of vertices (see Crayola.pdf). If drawing using Partition is used, partition colors will overwrite interior color.
  • Border Color - color of the borderline of vertices (see Crayola.pdf)
  • Label Color - color of label of vertices (see Crayola.pdf)
  • Border Width - width of the borderline of vertex
  • Label Position (polar): Radius /Angle - position where the label will be displayed:
    • Radius - distance of beginning of vertex label from vertex center - first polar parameter
    • Angle - position of vertex label in degrees - second polar parameter (0..360)
      If radius is equal to 0, the label will be centered, otherwise it will be aligned on the specified position to the left.
  • Font Size - size of font for vertices labels
  • Label Angle - angle in which vertex labels will be displayed:
    if angle is smaller than 360, it means relative according to horizontal line (0 - horizontally);
    otherwise it is relative to center of the layout - useful when all vertices are drawn in concentric circle(s) (360 - concentrically)
  • x/y Ratio - ratio between size of vertex in x and y direction.
  • Shape - default shape of vertex (ellipse, box, diamond), or triangle).
  • Shapes file - default shapes file, click to change it.
  • Export options ovewrite shapes file - If checked: Export Options define default options for all shapes of vertices. If not checked: default options are read from selected file shapes.cfg for each shape separatelly.

Bottom frame on the left - EPS/SVG Line Default

This frame defines default drawing of lines when we export layouts to EPS and SVG:
  • Edge Color - color of edges (see Crayola.pdf)
  • Edge Width - width of edges
  • Arc Color - color of arcs (see Crayola.pdf)
  • Arc Width - width of arcs
  • Pattern - pattern for drawing lines (Solid or Dots)
  • Arrow Size - size of arrows when drawing arcs
  • Arrow Position - distance of arrow from terminal vertex: If distance is between 0 and 1, it means relative distance according to arc length, e.g.:
    0 - arrow just at the terminal vertex
    0.5 - arrow in the middle of the arc
    If distance is larger than 1 it means absolute distance from the terminal vertex (this is useful if you want to have all arcs on the same distance from terminal vertex, regardless of arcs length)
  • Label Color - color of line labels (see Crayola.pdf)
  • Label Position (on line) - position of the center of line label - position is point on the line - distance of the center of line label from terminal vertex (see also Arrow Position)
  • Label Position (polar): Radius /Angle - position where the center of line label will be displayed according (relative) to Label Position (on line):
    • Radius - distance of center of line label from point defined by Label Position - first polar parameter
    • Angle - position of label in degrees - second polar parameter (0..360)
  • Font Size - size of font for line labels
  • Label Angle - angle in which label of line will be displayed:
    if angle is smaller than 360, it means relative to direction of line (0 - parallel to line);
    otherwise it is relative to horizontal line (360 - horizontally)
  • Only straight lines - If more than one line between two vertices exists, Pajek will draw straight lines (not curves).

Top frame on the right

This frame defines some additional defaults when we export layouts to EPS, SVG, X3D, and VRML:
  • EPS, SVG, X3D, VRML Size of Vertices - default size of vertices when exporting to X3D and VRML (valid for EPS and SVG exports as well)
  • X3D, VRML Width of Lines - width of lines in X3D and VRML
  • EPS: Use RGB colors instead of CMYK - If this is checked, in EPS export RGB color format will be used instead of default (CMYK) colors.
  • SVG: 3D Effect on Vertices - if selected, gradient will be applied to get 3D look of vertices in SVG

Middle frame on the right - Background Colors

Here we can select the color that will be used as background color for EPS, SVG, X3D, and VRML export.
  • Bckg. Color 1 - background color of layout (see Crayola.pdf)
  • Bckg. Color 2 - the second color for SVG and X3D export.
    No - means without second color, otherwise selected gradient will be used
  • Bckg. Color 3 - the third color for SVG and X3D export - gradient.
  • Gradient - type of gradient to use (No, Linear, or Radial)

Bottom frame on the right

This frame defines some additional defaults when we export layouts to EPS and SVG:
  • Add. Border (Left, Right, Top, Bottom) - additional border around layout when exporting to EPS (only when EPS Clip format is selected)
  • Background Border:
    • Border Color - color of borderline of layout (see Crayola.pdf). It is used for export to SVG as well. No - means without borderline.
    • Border Radius - radius of borderline of layout (if greater than 0 it means oval instead of rectangle)
    • Border Width - width of borderline of layout

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